Friday, February 25, 2011

Time with my God and shovel.

Today I had plenty of time to talk to God while I shoveled the 6-8 inches of snow that fell last night. Per a phone conversation I had earlier this morning, I realized that I put limitations on God's healing. Let me clarify, I know God heals! He heals broke arms, broke hearts, broke minds. But when it comes to genetic conditions aka family curses. I have never went their with God, what is, is...right??

I am going to give God back his power, stop putting limitations on his love and miracles. I hear people talk about healing but they don't give God the credit for it. I hear alcoholics say they have gone 30years since their last drink. People that had cancer will tell you they are in remission. Moms will tell you they have a child with high functional autism or down syndrome. What we should hear is alcoholics say it has been 30 years since the Lord healed them. Cancer patients tell you about the months or weeks they have been healed! Moms saying that they go to the doctor because it is protocol, but the only doctor they ever needed was God. I say that because I know doctors have to cover theme self.

I had always thought about generational curses being, untimely deaths and such. But my God is bigger than that. After all he knit me together, and before he did, he knew all my hopes and dreams, all my aches and pains. So for me, I will no longer put limitations on God's healing!


  1. I love this! Thank you for sharing your heart:) I have recently gone through some questioning of my own about generational curses.

    This is what the Lord put on my heart. Psalm 16:5-11. Have a great weekend!

  2. I've had my own questions with generational sins and I love the verse Allison shared. I just went and looked it up....awesome stuff!
    Jenn...loving your blog!
