Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mass night out

ChloeJace and I have been taking RICA classes. FUN.  We go on Tuesday nights and learn about what the traditions of the Catholic church are. Today (Feast of all Saints) we went to mass together it is great that we get to go and leave George with his dad! It is great that ChloeJace and I can spend time together without any boys around. So tonight we lit candles in honor of someone we love that has passed away.  I can't tell you how beautiful it was to see 50is or so candles in different colored jars twinkling by the window. Sometimes you can just be somewhere and feel G-ods holy presents around you. And St. Francis Xavier is one of those places. The traditions of the church are a great thing to pass down to your children. So we are going back to my roots, and the ones that Brian grew up with. To have this different picture of worship. And just to think people have been doing these traditions for hundreds of years. WOW that is along time. So make a visit to your local catholic church, you might be surprised at what you don't know! And I will keep you uptodate on how ChloeJace and I are doing and what we are learning about! God Bless


  1. A wonderful telling of your intimate experience with G-d and ChloeJace, Jenn. I love the imagery you painted about the twinkling lights by the window. You have effectively communicated the sense of the Sacred found within this holy space. I love that you are doing the journey with your daughter - leading by example - and I know you are grounded in Truth of Scripture and filled with Holy Spirit to keep you in check. Really a lovely story and you make one's heart warm.

  2. The Sacred traditions you describe are things we miss in the baptist church culture. Of course Bob and Liz helped us learn more in this area, experience more and even incorporate some of those things at C3 to a small degree. Miss you girl!
