Sunday, November 7, 2010


Yes, that is the study of boogers. This is a subject that I know alot about. I know the complete life cycle of a booger. It starts with George, at a young age I taught him how to pick his nose. I did this because he hated getting his nose cleaned, so I thought he could just do it himself. Well the booger pickin' part is easy it is what to do with them afterwards that is giving me the most trouble. Sometimes he does a good job! Sometimes not so much! If he is in the car he will roll down his window and let them back into the wild. Of course you know this is happening because he sings to them as they fly out and hit the car behind us. "All we are is just boogies in da wind."  So that hard to get stuff off the windshield, well now you know what it is. The other day he was putting them in the sink. Which is good but he can't reach to turn the water on. Now every time I go to the sink I look to see if he left me a present. Now for some not so good places. OK now I caught him putting them in my purse!!!! Yes, in my purse. I shreeked "George". I guess he thought everything else was in there, and lots of times it does look like a garbage dump in there. But not somewhere I want boogers! That is what I get. I had caught him days earlier putting boogers in his sisters backpack, and my first reaction was to laugh, then to tell him not to do that and have him get a tissue. Things are not always that bad most of the time he will hand them to me. "Here mom i picked this for you" babhahah jk. But at least then I can dispose of them properly and have him wash his hands. This past week he has had a cold so now I am teaching him to blow his nose. With his cold it has been booger central at the house. Now you know more about George's boogers than you ever cared to know.


  1. Jenn, you are brave. I suspect any mom reading this post has to secretly confess - while the topic is gross - she understands. Child training is tricky at times, and while we only like to read about the more noble aspects as saying "please" and "thank you", THIS one made me howl. You have a book in the making!

  2. Too funny! I love it. Hey, we have a lady in our church that is writing a book on boogers. It's called "Catch that germ" and she asked Mitchell if she could use his name in the book and he readily agreed. ha! This was a great write up. So glad you are blogging.
