Well, ChloeJace's heart surgery went well! That is the reason I haven't written in awhile. Make the 3hour drive across the great state of Ohio with 2 kids takes a lot out of you! ChloeJace started school like everyone this fall. In fact by the time she started you would not know she had the ICD/Pacemaker put in just 2 weeks earlier. She was a bit tired the first couple of days, but what kid isn't? I still need some more time before I go over that day with you. It was emotionally and mentally draining. But well worth it! And our EP (electrophysiologist) Dr. Clark was great! As of now she has not used the implanted device! Praise God!
Just a few weeks after surgery ChloeJace was able to ride a bike again! Something that she had not be allowed to do in years. She rides a lot now, she is learning the no hands trick! Just the other night she was in her p.j's outside riding her bike! She is also in band now, she wanted to play belles (percussion). She is also in bowling and starts girl scouts this coming week. None of these she was able to do before unless she was transported separately and I stood over her with an AED!
Sad to say since she got her ICD there has been a girl pass from sudden cardiac arrest (in CA) and another live to get an ICD (texas). Here is the thing they both happened at school! The girl that live had an AED on her in seconds, not 10 min. later. If your school has an AED in the office locked, if a student collapses on the football field how long does it take to find someone that has a key and run up to get the AED and run back? What if only office staff have the key? I can't imagine help being so close but out of reach and a child dying! Can you? Does your school have an AED? Don't you think CPR should be a life skill? If you have children it should be! So why are we pretending our children aren't dying! Because we don't want to change, we don't want to spend the money on an AED?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The truth, whole truth and yadda, yadda, yadday!
Ok so I failed to mention in the last blog. That ChloeJace's up coming surgery scares me! I am terrified. I am afraid of being alone in the hospital with her. Afraid of the actual surgery. ChloeJace has only had 3 surgery's in her life but has been put to sleep over a dozen times. I know the financial burden will be heavy, but that doesn't scare me, maybe it should? Recovery at home with her and George scares me. The 3 hour drive home from the hospital with just her and I scares me.
George love, love, loves his sister, when she is away for a night, he is uneasy. For her and I both to be gone, will be very dramatic for him, especially if Brian has to work! I know he will want to be with her and play and get in her bed. It will be hard to keep him in a safe distance from her.
So here it is my fears, all of them written out so I have to face them, and not just look over till I am ready to deal with them. I am not ready to deal with ANOTHER life saving, changing...surgery! I have strong faith and know that ChloeJace's is in good hands, God's hands. But I am just a human, and I love my child very much, and I know if he brings me to it he WILL see me through it!
George love, love, loves his sister, when she is away for a night, he is uneasy. For her and I both to be gone, will be very dramatic for him, especially if Brian has to work! I know he will want to be with her and play and get in her bed. It will be hard to keep him in a safe distance from her.
So here it is my fears, all of them written out so I have to face them, and not just look over till I am ready to deal with them. I am not ready to deal with ANOTHER life saving, changing...surgery! I have strong faith and know that ChloeJace's is in good hands, God's hands. But I am just a human, and I love my child very much, and I know if he brings me to it he WILL see me through it!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Heart Surgery for ChloBug
Since we found out of the possible LongQT Syndrome in 2009 Chloe's life has changed. She is not supposed to swim, participate in sports, run, ride bike, participate in gym. Most of the things that kids do she is not supposed to do. In school while the rest of her class goes to gym, she attends another music class. During field days she just walks around.
Friday we went to see the electrophysiologist in Akron, OH. That is a 3 hour drive from our house! We have decided to go forward with have an ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator). Within the next 2-3 weeks. Because she is small, the doctors will go in her stomach and attach it directly to her heart. After she gets older and bigger it will be placed in her chest. She will have a scar but it will be small. She will have to stay overnight possible 2 after the surgery. Recovery is about 2 weeks. I still have no idea what I will do with George, I am sure it will all work out.
ChloeJace is looking forward to the surgery, the first thing she wants is a bike. We have talked about the surgery and what it means and what will happen. As any child would be she is a bit nervous, but still excited to be able to do more normal things.
Brian, is nervous too, he has never had a child go through any type of surgery. Due to the cost he will not be able to take time off during or for the surgery. That is ok, Chloe and I are pro's at this. The doctor that did ChloeJace's brain surgery is at the same hospital now, he is on the floor just below the heart doctor..
Friday we went to see the electrophysiologist in Akron, OH. That is a 3 hour drive from our house! We have decided to go forward with have an ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator). Within the next 2-3 weeks. Because she is small, the doctors will go in her stomach and attach it directly to her heart. After she gets older and bigger it will be placed in her chest. She will have a scar but it will be small. She will have to stay overnight possible 2 after the surgery. Recovery is about 2 weeks. I still have no idea what I will do with George, I am sure it will all work out.
ChloeJace is looking forward to the surgery, the first thing she wants is a bike. We have talked about the surgery and what it means and what will happen. As any child would be she is a bit nervous, but still excited to be able to do more normal things.
Brian, is nervous too, he has never had a child go through any type of surgery. Due to the cost he will not be able to take time off during or for the surgery. That is ok, Chloe and I are pro's at this. The doctor that did ChloeJace's brain surgery is at the same hospital now, he is on the floor just below the heart doctor..
Friday, July 8, 2011
Cedar Point trip 11
Since July 4th is my favorite holiday, this year we actually did something. We packed up the car and kids and headed to Cedar Point.
The car trip was only about an hour and a half. Not Bad!!
First stop was the carousel! Something the whole family could do.
George found lots of rides he could go on.
Some he needed a big person with him.
Oh! and Boom in the sky at Lake Erie!
Day 2 called for the world's biggest snow cone!
Blue Steel!! hehe
But all good things come to an end!
The car trip was only about an hour and a half. Not Bad!!
First stop was the carousel! Something the whole family could do.
George found lots of rides he could go on.
Some he needed a big person with him.
Brian even got to do some.
Oh! and Boom in the sky at Lake Erie!
Day 2 called for the world's biggest snow cone!
Blue Steel!! hehe
But all good things come to an end!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Food, Food, Food
I guess it should be no surprise that I have issues with food, who doesn't! I guess it goes back to my childhood ( what doesn't)? For a long time I was a vegetarian, my father was not! He was a man like most and MEAT is the only food group. Not good for a person that doesn't eat any meat (not even fish). So I went to bed many nights hungry. There is an old saying that kids will eat when they are hungry. Not true they will go without instead of eating something that is gross or icky!
So My issue is if it is on my plate, I eat it, if it is left over I eat it. Their are starving kids and families all over who am I to throw perfectly good food out, when someone is dying this moment from malnutrition. So I eat the food. I also try to have already made foods ready so it is easy to grab and go, or have a quick snack.
I have noticed that on t.v. most of the people are thin but you see them they are eating junk, and Cheetos! By the way I love Cheetos! (Dear makers of Cheetos if you read this please send me lots of Cheetos. thanks xoxox). I have looked into Celeb. diets, and I am very surprised at what they eat. There are lots of natural foods, but also lots of food service orders, personal trainers, and personal chefs, healthy living coaches, ect. So from what I get the average person should have the average body.
As a woman I look around, and I see woman with better, and worse then I have. I am not worried about worse, I am worried about better. I think every woman wants their husband to look at them like they are the only woman EVER! We have been told what to think is sexy and beautiful. So next time you see me if I look like I have a few extra pounds now you know why!
So My issue is if it is on my plate, I eat it, if it is left over I eat it. Their are starving kids and families all over who am I to throw perfectly good food out, when someone is dying this moment from malnutrition. So I eat the food. I also try to have already made foods ready so it is easy to grab and go, or have a quick snack.
I have noticed that on t.v. most of the people are thin but you see them they are eating junk, and Cheetos! By the way I love Cheetos! (Dear makers of Cheetos if you read this please send me lots of Cheetos. thanks xoxox). I have looked into Celeb. diets, and I am very surprised at what they eat. There are lots of natural foods, but also lots of food service orders, personal trainers, and personal chefs, healthy living coaches, ect. So from what I get the average person should have the average body.
As a woman I look around, and I see woman with better, and worse then I have. I am not worried about worse, I am worried about better. I think every woman wants their husband to look at them like they are the only woman EVER! We have been told what to think is sexy and beautiful. So next time you see me if I look like I have a few extra pounds now you know why!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Pick of the week
I love this! It was peppermint and eucalyptus. It refreshes and wakes you up! Lots of essential oils! Can be purchased in Salons.
Friday, May 6, 2011
The First Cut isn't always the deepest!
This post is for my Mom who has been praying for me before I was her child. And for Mary M. who helped me see that you have to let it go.
Let's just jump right in!
I started cutting myself around the age of 12 or maybe 13. For sure by 13. I was sad, very depressed. That is also around the age I started drinking. I don't remember why or how I first go into it. I can't tell you about the first time. Even in High School I would cut myself at school. My teachers never knew, my Dad never knew. I also had a tattoo for 2 years before he found out about it! I wore long sleeves most of the time and when I wore short ones I had a scrunchy at just the right spot as to not show any marks I had at the current time. I also used other areas of my body, as it was easier to hide.
Like I said I was very sad very depressed. But most of all I didn't have coping skills, I didn't even know what they were or that I needed any. I thought I was just a bad seed. Doomed for ever to walk this Earth trapped in the pain. The mental pain was soooo much worse then any physical pain at the time. I am not sure how to explain it unless you have been there before. You can't get away form your mind and your thoughts, and I was a prisoner of mine. Although I knew their is/was God, I didn't know him, I just knew of him. I didn't grow up in a home of Bible reading or church on the weekends. All I knew is that something had to give I needed some kind of release from ME! So I cut myself....why? because it felt good... how could doing that feel good? it was something I could control, how much, how deep, how many.
Their are times that I did want to die, be released form the prison of my mind. Sometimes, it was a close to hell that you could ever be on earth. And if this was how bad it was on earth I knew I didn't want to go to hell. So I hoped for more of an accidental overdose type of death.
One day, I found out I was pregnant, and I stopped! It has been about 12 years since the last time I cut myself. The scars are still there some are faded and some will be there till God calls me home. Just because I stopped, God didn't just hand me coping skills on a platter, I have been to counseling, several times. But prayer from people that may have been awakened at night to pray and didn't know why or for who, and God granting me is GREAT, WONDERFUL, EVERLASTING, SUFFICIENT....GRACE
Let's just jump right in!
I started cutting myself around the age of 12 or maybe 13. For sure by 13. I was sad, very depressed. That is also around the age I started drinking. I don't remember why or how I first go into it. I can't tell you about the first time. Even in High School I would cut myself at school. My teachers never knew, my Dad never knew. I also had a tattoo for 2 years before he found out about it! I wore long sleeves most of the time and when I wore short ones I had a scrunchy at just the right spot as to not show any marks I had at the current time. I also used other areas of my body, as it was easier to hide.
Like I said I was very sad very depressed. But most of all I didn't have coping skills, I didn't even know what they were or that I needed any. I thought I was just a bad seed. Doomed for ever to walk this Earth trapped in the pain. The mental pain was soooo much worse then any physical pain at the time. I am not sure how to explain it unless you have been there before. You can't get away form your mind and your thoughts, and I was a prisoner of mine. Although I knew their is/was God, I didn't know him, I just knew of him. I didn't grow up in a home of Bible reading or church on the weekends. All I knew is that something had to give I needed some kind of release from ME! So I cut myself....why? because it felt good... how could doing that feel good? it was something I could control, how much, how deep, how many.
Their are times that I did want to die, be released form the prison of my mind. Sometimes, it was a close to hell that you could ever be on earth. And if this was how bad it was on earth I knew I didn't want to go to hell. So I hoped for more of an accidental overdose type of death.
One day, I found out I was pregnant, and I stopped! It has been about 12 years since the last time I cut myself. The scars are still there some are faded and some will be there till God calls me home. Just because I stopped, God didn't just hand me coping skills on a platter, I have been to counseling, several times. But prayer from people that may have been awakened at night to pray and didn't know why or for who, and God granting me is GREAT, WONDERFUL, EVERLASTING, SUFFICIENT....GRACE
Friday, April 29, 2011
From Mayhem to Manna!

I would like to ask the author, why her? What is it about her that is more finely tuned. You can see God's grace all over her life. How can someone be so close to God, yet so very far away.
Ok so you can get the book at amazon. www.amazon.com search Pastor Mary Manna. Or from Tate Publishing. Pastor Mary is also on Facebook!
ISBN 978-1-61739-602-1)
ISBN 978-1-61739-602-1)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Doing things different.
I have chosen to do things a little different with my children, call me new fashioned! Since I had ChloeJace back when I was 17 I know that things would be different. I have never taught my children to buy into all the fake cartoonish aspects of holidays. She never got gifts from Santa and had been taught that it is fun to pretend and some like to pretend and they use the "Christmas man".
I can still recall how horrible it was to find out that all these BIG people had been lying to me for years. when I found out that Santa, Easter bunny, tooth fairy I cried and cried, if they would lie about this what eles would they lie about. I know some of you are thinking it is just for fun and not to take is so seriously. If you are the one being lied to it isn't fun!
The story of Chris Kringle is one that I share with the kids, but he did not live at the North Pole . In school ChloeJace colored pictures of the North Pole and Elves. But I have always made it a point to tell her what Christmas is really about. It leads to some good conversations about why people chose to focus on other things beside the real reason we celebrate these holidays.
During Easter my kids get candy and junk toys the will only play with for a few day. Which reminds me I need to throw out the candy from Christmas! My children don't get new clothes to wear for Easter! There have even been a few Easter Sunday's that we don't go to church! I just have no interest in not finding a parking spot, not having a place to sit, and being distracted by all the people that want to leave right after communion! I am glad that the people go, but can't they pick another day? Showing up in your new clothes once a year is fine and all but to the others that go more often you stick out like a sore thumb. All those that have somewhere they have to go, and feel the need to leave after communion, you do know that you can watch Easter service on T.V!
I have never had ChloeJace say, wow I wish you would have taught me to believe in fake bunnies, and fat men, and people coming to steal my teeth at night when I am asleep. She has also never told others that it is fake! Even at her age, she was shocked at how many kids in her class didn't know the real reason for these holidays.
A lot of people will not agree with me, and that is fine. This is just the way I have chosen to do things. I may have it all wrong! When my children have children of their own they can do it differently. Till then, they will learn the stories from the bible not from fairy tales.
I can still recall how horrible it was to find out that all these BIG people had been lying to me for years. when I found out that Santa, Easter bunny, tooth fairy I cried and cried, if they would lie about this what eles would they lie about. I know some of you are thinking it is just for fun and not to take is so seriously. If you are the one being lied to it isn't fun!
The story of Chris Kringle is one that I share with the kids, but he did not live at the North Pole . In school ChloeJace colored pictures of the North Pole and Elves. But I have always made it a point to tell her what Christmas is really about. It leads to some good conversations about why people chose to focus on other things beside the real reason we celebrate these holidays.
During Easter my kids get candy and junk toys the will only play with for a few day. Which reminds me I need to throw out the candy from Christmas! My children don't get new clothes to wear for Easter! There have even been a few Easter Sunday's that we don't go to church! I just have no interest in not finding a parking spot, not having a place to sit, and being distracted by all the people that want to leave right after communion! I am glad that the people go, but can't they pick another day? Showing up in your new clothes once a year is fine and all but to the others that go more often you stick out like a sore thumb. All those that have somewhere they have to go, and feel the need to leave after communion, you do know that you can watch Easter service on T.V!
I have never had ChloeJace say, wow I wish you would have taught me to believe in fake bunnies, and fat men, and people coming to steal my teeth at night when I am asleep. She has also never told others that it is fake! Even at her age, she was shocked at how many kids in her class didn't know the real reason for these holidays.
A lot of people will not agree with me, and that is fine. This is just the way I have chosen to do things. I may have it all wrong! When my children have children of their own they can do it differently. Till then, they will learn the stories from the bible not from fairy tales.
Friday, April 15, 2011
My Plug of the Week!
Recently I was raking the neighbors yard, when I got a blister between my thumb and index finger. In the web part! OUCH! And the little bubble part that protects it came off too. So I just had an open sore with all the nerver endings exposed. It kept cracking open and split, at this time I decded to put something on it. I had Burt's Bees res-q ointment!!! LOOOVVVEE it. I put some on and it soothed it right away, it didn't burn or sting (haha bee sting..get it). The next morning it even looked better. And if all that wasn't good enough, it doesn't smell like an old persons's medicen cabnet. It was lavender in it so it smell nice. Also it is 95.7% natural! Oh! Burt it just gets better!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Pretty simple Right?. We are all familiar with needing forgiveness and giving it too. But do we really? I mean.. ok so we ask God for forgiveness daily..right?...or we should... Then I hear people say well God knows my heart, I don't have to ask he already knows, he knew before I did it that I would need forgiveness. Besides, God is very busy so why bother him with stuff he already knows.
I know I sometimes will ask someone to forgive me, years after I should have. Or we let it go unsaid and just pretend nothing ever happened. As long as nobody is talking about it, I will just move past it. I don't like those hard conversations either.
We tend to let this part of God's word just to hang out till we want to deal with asking for forgiveness. Just this week I was at the gym, watching T.V., and on was the story of the man that shot the Amish children in their school. I know that is old news, but I didn't watch it then because it made me sad to think about. As I watch this story unfold, I feel the tears coming up and I am trying my best not to break out in uncontrollable sobs. If you know the story, several of the girls that where shot died, 5 of them!! 5 families lost a child that day!! The gunman then killed himself. This community then, just a few days, less then a week after this happened they went to the wife of the man that murdered their children and injured more and they FORGAVE that woman for what her husband had done.
Ok, so look at your child, now think about someone killing your child, and you taking the red eye to forgive the family! SAY WHAAAT!!!
It is hard to think of, I have a hard time wrapping my brain around that kind of forgiveness. But, that is how we should do it! If how we forgive others is how we are forgiven then, I want to look like those Amish families! Not, like the ohhh well, I am just not ready to forgive yet, let me bring it up a half dozen more times so you can feel like crap about it again, and again,and again.
How do you forgive?
I know I sometimes will ask someone to forgive me, years after I should have. Or we let it go unsaid and just pretend nothing ever happened. As long as nobody is talking about it, I will just move past it. I don't like those hard conversations either.
We tend to let this part of God's word just to hang out till we want to deal with asking for forgiveness. Just this week I was at the gym, watching T.V., and on was the story of the man that shot the Amish children in their school. I know that is old news, but I didn't watch it then because it made me sad to think about. As I watch this story unfold, I feel the tears coming up and I am trying my best not to break out in uncontrollable sobs. If you know the story, several of the girls that where shot died, 5 of them!! 5 families lost a child that day!! The gunman then killed himself. This community then, just a few days, less then a week after this happened they went to the wife of the man that murdered their children and injured more and they FORGAVE that woman for what her husband had done.
Ok, so look at your child, now think about someone killing your child, and you taking the red eye to forgive the family! SAY WHAAAT!!!
It is hard to think of, I have a hard time wrapping my brain around that kind of forgiveness. But, that is how we should do it! If how we forgive others is how we are forgiven then, I want to look like those Amish families! Not, like the ohhh well, I am just not ready to forgive yet, let me bring it up a half dozen more times so you can feel like crap about it again, and again,and again.
How do you forgive?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
High school/without the musical!
Recently there have been so high school type antics going on! I found myself in a position that I didn't want to be in. I want the best for everyone, and I want the whole world to be rainbows and unicorns. I do know that is just not the way it is. I also found out that some of my blood relatives think... well, I will just say not too highly of me. In fact, down right, badly. That hurt! And these things seemed to join when, like I said high school junk! Guess what your family member said! I won't go into detail but I have not spoken with either party in about a year.
While all this junk was going on ChloeJace turned to me and said something like "Mom their are starving kids, I am going to collect cans for them." I was floored, it took me back to reality. Everyone won't like me, even some that are supposed to love me. I will not always do the right thing. But I have to keep a bigger than me prospective. When I get into my own little problems, and my own little life, I forget about how greatly I am blessed.
God, thank you for using the wisdom of a child to bring me back down. Thank you for showing me, my hurt feelings are nothing compared to the suffering in this world. There is a big world outside of high school. Thank you for giving me a child that has such wisdom and a caring heart that she would at her young age be concerned about things bigger than her. Lord, make me more like my child, and less childish to get pulled into things that are not of you.
While all this junk was going on ChloeJace turned to me and said something like "Mom their are starving kids, I am going to collect cans for them." I was floored, it took me back to reality. Everyone won't like me, even some that are supposed to love me. I will not always do the right thing. But I have to keep a bigger than me prospective. When I get into my own little problems, and my own little life, I forget about how greatly I am blessed.
God, thank you for using the wisdom of a child to bring me back down. Thank you for showing me, my hurt feelings are nothing compared to the suffering in this world. There is a big world outside of high school. Thank you for giving me a child that has such wisdom and a caring heart that she would at her young age be concerned about things bigger than her. Lord, make me more like my child, and less childish to get pulled into things that are not of you.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Prepartum depression
No, I am not pregnant, I CAN'T have anymore kids. I have been struggling with writing about this. It's kinda embarrassing. My two pregnancies where very different. One would think that you would get depressed for being single, living in someones car while pregnant. Nope, not me! I was married just moved to a great city (Louisville). But not too long after moving to L'ville, something changed! Well, a
lot changed. But something inside changed. Before I was even due, I would lay in the floor and cry! I know can you imagine a big fat pregnant woman rolling in the floor crying? I even told my doctor about it. I guess it was the way I said it but he just laughed and reassured me the baby would be out before long.
He was right, he even moved up my due date by a week. So when I came home I thought everything (inside) would go back to normal and I would be happy-go-lucky as before. Not so much, in fact, not at all. I never wanted to harm my child or myself, I just wanted my life to go away. It didn't help that George had colic, and I didn't have a friend in a 2 state radius. So I felt stuck, in a life with this baby that cried 24/7. I remember driving around at night, leaving around 10pm and coming home around 6am, so that Brian could sleep. I was so ashamed that I didn't even talk to Brian about it. But I have told a few people how I packed George's bag and when Brian got home I was going to go drop him off at the nearest fire station. As funny as it is, it is very true. I don't think their is a Mom out there that wants to admit that they ever felt that way about A CHILD, but for it to be your child is worse. I thought that I was a monster! Who thinks like that, and actually packs their child's bag!
Somethings I can't explain and pre or post partum depression in one of those. Even after George got over the colic (18+ months). I had to deal with the depression state. He is now 4 and there is not a day that goes by that I am glad I didn't drop him off at the fire station!
lot changed. But something inside changed. Before I was even due, I would lay in the floor and cry! I know can you imagine a big fat pregnant woman rolling in the floor crying? I even told my doctor about it. I guess it was the way I said it but he just laughed and reassured me the baby would be out before long.
He was right, he even moved up my due date by a week. So when I came home I thought everything (inside) would go back to normal and I would be happy-go-lucky as before. Not so much, in fact, not at all. I never wanted to harm my child or myself, I just wanted my life to go away. It didn't help that George had colic, and I didn't have a friend in a 2 state radius. So I felt stuck, in a life with this baby that cried 24/7. I remember driving around at night, leaving around 10pm and coming home around 6am, so that Brian could sleep. I was so ashamed that I didn't even talk to Brian about it. But I have told a few people how I packed George's bag and when Brian got home I was going to go drop him off at the nearest fire station. As funny as it is, it is very true. I don't think their is a Mom out there that wants to admit that they ever felt that way about A CHILD, but for it to be your child is worse. I thought that I was a monster! Who thinks like that, and actually packs their child's bag!
Somethings I can't explain and pre or post partum depression in one of those. Even after George got over the colic (18+ months). I had to deal with the depression state. He is now 4 and there is not a day that goes by that I am glad I didn't drop him off at the fire station!

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Buying Crack for Jesus
I can say that I have never given till it hurts, you know I have never gone without so that someone truly in need could have. This is as close as I have gotten. We don't live on a huge budget. Sometimes I have to save or set aside money for a while to get what I want/need. shhh! I hide the money in my wallet! I had less the 50 dollars saved but no sure of the amount.
George and I were our running errands yesterday, and there in front of me, in my personal space, was a man that was trying to communicate with me but was deaf. It was obvious that he needed money, and a bath, among other things. I did a quick search of my heart, what is this man all about, looking him over I reached into my purse pulled out my wallet and gave. I gave every dollar I had, I held nothing back. Which is hard for me, I hoard money away from my husband. Yes I hoard it. Hey at least it is not cats, right? So each dollar was like my "cat child" that I have been hoarding. I just let it go! I almost broke out in a sweat, not because of who I was giving it to but because I had worked so hard at hoarding it.
I know you shouldn't give money, you should give time, you can buy food and bring it. Bring them clothes shoes, but you should never give money. whatever I did it. I prayed over that money as it was walking away from me. God, I want that money to be used, for good, not for evil. Draw this man near to you, hold him, whisper to him that you love him and you are his father.
Ok, so then it hit me, well maybe, I just gave him enough to buy some crack! AHHH! Who knows I can't go with him to see what he uses it for. But I don't want to watch the news and hear a story of a man that was given money by people of the community to buy drugs, and now is over dosed and is dead. Another John Doe. So my prayer quickly took a sharp turn. Lord, if he buys crack (or any other drug) may it be the crack that brings him to you! May he it the bottom, so he can start to climb back up!
I will have to start my hoarding aging. I was saving to get my oil changed in my car. That is okay. My car can wait, Heaven can't wait, lost souls can't wait!
George and I were our running errands yesterday, and there in front of me, in my personal space, was a man that was trying to communicate with me but was deaf. It was obvious that he needed money, and a bath, among other things. I did a quick search of my heart, what is this man all about, looking him over I reached into my purse pulled out my wallet and gave. I gave every dollar I had, I held nothing back. Which is hard for me, I hoard money away from my husband. Yes I hoard it. Hey at least it is not cats, right? So each dollar was like my "cat child" that I have been hoarding. I just let it go! I almost broke out in a sweat, not because of who I was giving it to but because I had worked so hard at hoarding it.
I know you shouldn't give money, you should give time, you can buy food and bring it. Bring them clothes shoes, but you should never give money. whatever I did it. I prayed over that money as it was walking away from me. God, I want that money to be used, for good, not for evil. Draw this man near to you, hold him, whisper to him that you love him and you are his father.
Ok, so then it hit me, well maybe, I just gave him enough to buy some crack! AHHH! Who knows I can't go with him to see what he uses it for. But I don't want to watch the news and hear a story of a man that was given money by people of the community to buy drugs, and now is over dosed and is dead. Another John Doe. So my prayer quickly took a sharp turn. Lord, if he buys crack (or any other drug) may it be the crack that brings him to you! May he it the bottom, so he can start to climb back up!
I will have to start my hoarding aging. I was saving to get my oil changed in my car. That is okay. My car can wait, Heaven can't wait, lost souls can't wait!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
wonderful Wednesday!woohoo
It starts out, taking CJ to school then coming home to get George and I ready. We got back to the school before 10am. There was a tornado drill..everyone in position! Time for buses to load. CJ had to ride with me because they have no AED's on the bus and the school only has one! So if I couldn't go on the field trip then CJ wouldn't be able to go! (isn't that discrimination?) So we get to UNOH and tour the campus, had I known this I might not have wore heels. Carrying George and a 10 lbs. AED is not fun. Plus it was cold! ewww. Then it was across the street to the event hall for an etiquette banquet. I had to sit by George, who knocked over his salad and then started licking the ranch off the table. Now he has never done that at home, so why when we have to behave does this happen? After lunch we took CJ back to school.
Next was nap time. Up early to pick CJ up from school, Wednesdays are half days. Office Depot was next. CJ decided she loved the store. After getting the supplies we needed it was back home. CJ then took a quick walk around the block to collect caned goods for a local charity that feeds people in the community. Back in the car 30mins. later to go to 2 school, first an Arts Magnet School, the across town to the Sci-Tech magnet school. We had to tour both in under 3 hours. Back home! By this time it was dinner and nothing was ready so the Chinese Restaurant. We ordered 3 meals for 4 people and some how took home 3 meals...gotta love Chinese. Home again! Bed, bath, and beyond. Oh! and I tried to hook up my printer and well my Mac doesn't have word and I can't find a word that is old enough to run on the format. The Pc's hardrive doesn't work so I can't download anything with a disk, but it does have word. My night ended in frustration, Thank you technology!
Next was nap time. Up early to pick CJ up from school, Wednesdays are half days. Office Depot was next. CJ decided she loved the store. After getting the supplies we needed it was back home. CJ then took a quick walk around the block to collect caned goods for a local charity that feeds people in the community. Back in the car 30mins. later to go to 2 school, first an Arts Magnet School, the across town to the Sci-Tech magnet school. We had to tour both in under 3 hours. Back home! By this time it was dinner and nothing was ready so the Chinese Restaurant. We ordered 3 meals for 4 people and some how took home 3 meals...gotta love Chinese. Home again! Bed, bath, and beyond. Oh! and I tried to hook up my printer and well my Mac doesn't have word and I can't find a word that is old enough to run on the format. The Pc's hardrive doesn't work so I can't download anything with a disk, but it does have word. My night ended in frustration, Thank you technology!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
George is full of crazy stuff, I think know it is in his blood. George told me that his lipstick was cold. Meaning my chap stick is minty. G: is that guy a police he has a mooshtasch? Meaning everyone that has a mustache must be a cop, even the girl he had a play date with since she had a fake mustache she must be a part time cop.
Everyday or hour George is someone else. Here is a short list, Dark Vader, Anakin Skywalker, Batman, Joker, Spider man, George the monkey, police officer, Indiana Jones, Joker's henchmen, Storm trooper, Mr. Alligator (Albert), Power Rangers, Chowder, a robot from the future, Big Boy (the restaurant mascot), the mountains at Grandma's house is Sautee, ect.
Today I caught him dancing, holding my cell phone, when I asked him what he was dancing too, It was no surprise that it made no sense. He was dancing to Angry Birds?! I have also been trying to teach him to read, but he has the attentions span of a flea and we have been on lesson one for a week!
This past week he got some new Batman under roos and insisted they are short, they are the big under roos with the pocket, that he learned how to use the slit, so he won't be wearing those shorts outside EVER! It is a good thing it is too cold still to wear shorts, or we would be having a melt down.
AHH, and that's my BOY!
The Book is The Reading Lesson
By: Michael Levin, M.D.
Charan Langton, M.S.
Everyday or hour George is someone else. Here is a short list, Dark Vader, Anakin Skywalker, Batman, Joker, Spider man, George the monkey, police officer, Indiana Jones, Joker's henchmen, Storm trooper, Mr. Alligator (Albert), Power Rangers, Chowder, a robot from the future, Big Boy (the restaurant mascot), the mountains at Grandma's house is Sautee, ect.
Today I caught him dancing, holding my cell phone, when I asked him what he was dancing too, It was no surprise that it made no sense. He was dancing to Angry Birds?! I have also been trying to teach him to read, but he has the attentions span of a flea and we have been on lesson one for a week!
This past week he got some new Batman under roos and insisted they are short, they are the big under roos with the pocket, that he learned how to use the slit, so he won't be wearing those shorts outside EVER! It is a good thing it is too cold still to wear shorts, or we would be having a melt down.
AHH, and that's my BOY!
The Book is The Reading Lesson
By: Michael Levin, M.D.
Charan Langton, M.S.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Oh, Mother Mary!
Yesterday ChloeJace went to St. Rose of Lima...OH. Getting in just as the bell rang, it was her shadow day. She got to spend the whole day acting as if she was a student of St. Rose. This was a test to see if it would be a better fit, as a school for next year.
I always thought of how I would love to send my children to a private, Catholic school. However I am not wealthy(by U. S standards) and this school is pricey. Not to bad so I am not complaining. ChloeJace is now in and has always been in public schools. We have been very blessed, Cleveland, GA., Newnan, GA., Louisville, KY., Mount Washington, KY., had good schools. Of course that is all relative. The teachers where kind and loving. The type of teachers that you want to go back to every year to see. Lima City schools have been a culture shock. That is not what I expected. Like most people before moving to the area I asked about schools. Here is where I went wrong; ChloeJace was in elementary school, 5th grade, here 5th grade is middle school! Lima City schools are not all bad, I guess the elementary schools are good. Middle school is a whole different game. They do wear school uniforms, but the dress code is not strict enough. The school is failing! Not just with the dress code. 75% of ChloeJace's class is failing. Did you get that 75% of 5th graders are failing!! What THE dog snot is going on??
I don't want to get political but and I know the parents are just as much to blame as the school! This is totally to acceptable. This area is not wealthy, or affluent but that is no excuse! The state of Ohio has made a voucher system, if you attend a school that is on "Academic Emergency" meaning they have not made state or federal standards for at least 3 years. You've got to be pulling on my leg! You can get a voucher that you can use to attend a school (public or private) that is not in "academic emergency".
ChloeJace would make her class at St. Rose have a total of 10 kids.!! Yup, talk about more one on one time! She will get church time, religious ed. I know there are a lot of opinions about the Catholic church. When you get a group of sinner together what do you expect? Not saying it is acceptable, I just think that the media put special attention on the Catholic church. I know and have hear of plenty of horrible things going on at (insert denomination here). Will you pray with us, that God will provide us with the funds that it will take to cover the added expense. ChloeJace has been being bullied at her school now, and this Mommy is a momma bear! Leave my Cub alone.
Shadow day went Great! We have peace that this is where ChloeJace needs to be.
I always thought of how I would love to send my children to a private, Catholic school. However I am not wealthy(by U. S standards) and this school is pricey. Not to bad so I am not complaining. ChloeJace is now in and has always been in public schools. We have been very blessed, Cleveland, GA., Newnan, GA., Louisville, KY., Mount Washington, KY., had good schools. Of course that is all relative. The teachers where kind and loving. The type of teachers that you want to go back to every year to see. Lima City schools have been a culture shock. That is not what I expected. Like most people before moving to the area I asked about schools. Here is where I went wrong; ChloeJace was in elementary school, 5th grade, here 5th grade is middle school! Lima City schools are not all bad, I guess the elementary schools are good. Middle school is a whole different game. They do wear school uniforms, but the dress code is not strict enough. The school is failing! Not just with the dress code. 75% of ChloeJace's class is failing. Did you get that 75% of 5th graders are failing!! What THE dog snot is going on??

ChloeJace would make her class at St. Rose have a total of 10 kids.!! Yup, talk about more one on one time! She will get church time, religious ed. I know there are a lot of opinions about the Catholic church. When you get a group of sinner together what do you expect? Not saying it is acceptable, I just think that the media put special attention on the Catholic church. I know and have hear of plenty of horrible things going on at (insert denomination here). Will you pray with us, that God will provide us with the funds that it will take to cover the added expense. ChloeJace has been being bullied at her school now, and this Mommy is a momma bear! Leave my Cub alone.
Shadow day went Great! We have peace that this is where ChloeJace needs to be.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
WASHINGTON , DC , March 8, 2011 – According to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association (SCAA), sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) kills nearly 300,000 Americans each year, which equates to approximately 1,000 people a day. The occurrence of SCA in youth is especially traumatic and rare; however, SCA afflicts people of all ages, races, gender and even those in seemingly good physical health.
SCA is an electrical disruption of the heart’s natural rhythm, in which the heart stops beating altogether and is not the same as a “heart attack” in which one or more of the heart’s main blood vessels becomes blocked, preventing blood from reaching the heart, Most often SCA strikes suddenly and without warning, causing victims to collapse and become unconscious whereas “heart attack” patients typically experience chest pain and remain conscious.
Statistics on SCA are not exact, since SCA currently is not widely recognized as a formal reportable condition. Though several attempts have been made over the past few decades to establish a reporting structure, sadly there still is no mandatory nationwide reporting system that routinely captures SCA incidence and outcomes. We do however know that:
- between 5,000-7,000 youth in the United States die from SCA each year
- over 3,000 adolescents and young adults (age 14-24) experience cardiovascular-related death per year
- every three days, a young competitive athlete suffers SCA
- over 64 percent of young athletes (and others) survived SCA if it occurred in a high school with an AED program
The only way to survive SCA is through cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED), yet sadly, 95 percent of victims do not survive because most SCA occurrences are not witnessed and/or urgent medical care could not be provided in a timely fashion. Therefore, AEDs need to be available in public places and bystanders need to know CPR, how to use an AED and be willing to intervene. Schools and sporting venues should develop a written Emergency Response Plan addressing SCA. Such plans must include the following key elements:
- training of likely first responders (i.e. coaches, athletic trainers, teachers and administrators) in CPR/AED and how to recognize SCA, as the condition is often initially misdiagnosed due to brief seizure-like activity, delaying effective treatment.
- defibrillation to be administered in under three minutes from the moment of collapse for optimal response.
Parents and educators should be concerned that sudden cardiac arrest is a serious public health crisis and know that preventive measures can be taken to identify individuals at risk. Conducting a comprehensive personal and family medical history is helpful, as is the inclusion of an electrocardiogram (ECG) in screening procedures of athletes that may detect potentially lethal cardiac disorders.
In the meantime, AEDs can be deployed in public locations in communities across the country – schools, churches, shopping malls or other large gathering places. Medical and patient-advocacy organizations have long promoted placement of AEDs in public settings as a means to increase the likelihood of SCA survival. A study in the January 26, 2011 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine proved that publicly accessible defibrillation works, as 60 percent of people who suffered a witnessed SCA in public places had shockable heart rhythms, compared to 35 percent of people who may have benefited from an AED while experiencing SCA at home.
SCAA fully supports efforts to require the installation of AEDs at schools nationwide. For educational resources and materials to deploy AEDs in schools, visit www.suddencardiacarrest.org.
About the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association
SCAA is the nation’s largest nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to increasing awareness and prevention of sudden cardiac arrest. For more information, please visit www.suddencardiacarrest.org.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Motherless Children
I have a mother now, but that hasn't always been the case. I also have a belly mom. My belly mom died when I was 3. It is all hear say, since I was not old enough to remember. This is how it went down.
My father was in the navy and stationed away from home. That left my mom with my brother 7, sister 5, and me 3. One night in September my Mom and her brother decided they would go out. My grandmother was to watch us. Well, on the way into town about a 5 mile drive there is an intersection, this intersection come from the lake. A care hit her car spinning her into the oncoming traffic lane, going toward the lake, just on the wrong side of the road. Also near by is a National Guard training station. Most of the time lakes lead to drinking and this September night was just that for a few of the Guards men, and I can't blame them for that. However,we all know that drinking and driving don't go together! Even the drunk driving will tell you that they would never drive drunk! Don't believe me watch cops.
So at this intersection the two cars meet. The police officer that came out was a new cop. Night was now falling as the office was doing her investigation. Nobody was hurt, so I guess just a lot of taking information. The officer was in the process of getting my Mom's information. Since it was dark they leaned over my mother's car to use the headlights to see. So down the road comes the Guards men that had been at the lake. The officer made a quick decision to get out of the way. My mother did not see the car, blinded my the light from her headlights she could not see lights coming toward her. That was the second accident of the night, my Mother in front of her car, with this other car. I will not go into detail, but she, had one leg that she would have never been able to use again, and other injuries. The ambulance was called and for whatever reason did not come out when they should have. My Mom did make it to the hospital that night, I don't know if she was D. O. A. or not but I guess that doesn't matter.
That night before I was able to understand the life changing event that took place, I was a motherless daughter, I would become a motherless mother. My whole life has been shaped my this single night.
I have had 2 pictures of my Mother up until this week. I received more via email. And again I am left to wonder, what her voice sounded like, what a hug felt like, how did she smell, a touch from her hand. I could go on, but if you have a Mother you have never thought of those things. I don't know why my Mother's time was up. I do know that God is so much bigger than I am even if he told me I would not get it.
My father was in the navy and stationed away from home. That left my mom with my brother 7, sister 5, and me 3. One night in September my Mom and her brother decided they would go out. My grandmother was to watch us. Well, on the way into town about a 5 mile drive there is an intersection, this intersection come from the lake. A care hit her car spinning her into the oncoming traffic lane, going toward the lake, just on the wrong side of the road. Also near by is a National Guard training station. Most of the time lakes lead to drinking and this September night was just that for a few of the Guards men, and I can't blame them for that. However,we all know that drinking and driving don't go together! Even the drunk driving will tell you that they would never drive drunk! Don't believe me watch cops.
So at this intersection the two cars meet. The police officer that came out was a new cop. Night was now falling as the office was doing her investigation. Nobody was hurt, so I guess just a lot of taking information. The officer was in the process of getting my Mom's information. Since it was dark they leaned over my mother's car to use the headlights to see. So down the road comes the Guards men that had been at the lake. The officer made a quick decision to get out of the way. My mother did not see the car, blinded my the light from her headlights she could not see lights coming toward her. That was the second accident of the night, my Mother in front of her car, with this other car. I will not go into detail, but she, had one leg that she would have never been able to use again, and other injuries. The ambulance was called and for whatever reason did not come out when they should have. My Mom did make it to the hospital that night, I don't know if she was D. O. A. or not but I guess that doesn't matter.
That night before I was able to understand the life changing event that took place, I was a motherless daughter, I would become a motherless mother. My whole life has been shaped my this single night.
I have had 2 pictures of my Mother up until this week. I received more via email. And again I am left to wonder, what her voice sounded like, what a hug felt like, how did she smell, a touch from her hand. I could go on, but if you have a Mother you have never thought of those things. I don't know why my Mother's time was up. I do know that God is so much bigger than I am even if he told me I would not get it.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Time with my God and shovel.
Today I had plenty of time to talk to God while I shoveled the 6-8 inches of snow that fell last night. Per a phone conversation I had earlier this morning, I realized that I put limitations on God's healing. Let me clarify, I know God heals! He heals broke arms, broke hearts, broke minds. But when it comes to genetic conditions aka family curses. I have never went their with God, what is, is...right??
I am going to give God back his power, stop putting limitations on his love and miracles. I hear people talk about healing but they don't give God the credit for it. I hear alcoholics say they have gone 30years since their last drink. People that had cancer will tell you they are in remission. Moms will tell you they have a child with high functional autism or down syndrome. What we should hear is alcoholics say it has been 30 years since the Lord healed them. Cancer patients tell you about the months or weeks they have been healed! Moms saying that they go to the doctor because it is protocol, but the only doctor they ever needed was God. I say that because I know doctors have to cover theme self.
I had always thought about generational curses being, untimely deaths and such. But my God is bigger than that. After all he knit me together, and before he did, he knew all my hopes and dreams, all my aches and pains. So for me, I will no longer put limitations on God's healing!
I am going to give God back his power, stop putting limitations on his love and miracles. I hear people talk about healing but they don't give God the credit for it. I hear alcoholics say they have gone 30years since their last drink. People that had cancer will tell you they are in remission. Moms will tell you they have a child with high functional autism or down syndrome. What we should hear is alcoholics say it has been 30 years since the Lord healed them. Cancer patients tell you about the months or weeks they have been healed! Moms saying that they go to the doctor because it is protocol, but the only doctor they ever needed was God. I say that because I know doctors have to cover theme self.
I had always thought about generational curses being, untimely deaths and such. But my God is bigger than that. After all he knit me together, and before he did, he knew all my hopes and dreams, all my aches and pains. So for me, I will no longer put limitations on God's healing!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Praise Report!
Last week, ChloeJace, George and I went 2.5 hours away to go to the Neurosurgeon (Dr. Roger Hudgins previously of Children's Health care of Atlanta. We were up early, before the chickens early. We had to be there by 9am that was then pushed back to 10am and at 10am they where running behind. (see early blog, I knew it!)

Akron Children's was great! Big, Bright, Cheerful, and a friendly face to point you on your way. For some reason MRI is always in the basement (just a note). So we check in and wait. I love thatwe ChloeJace had an advocate there to walk her through the process, although I think she could take the woman's job it is great to have a Go-to person. This is a different feeling then the nurse that wrights her name on the board, and you have to press a button and wait for someone to say " Your nurse will be down soon."
This is George's 4 MRI with his sister. Once in the belly, once just a few months old, once around 2 and now. It has gotten a lot easier for him. He had to look away when she got her IV, in fact the nurse asked if he was going to be ok, MEN!
ChloeJ didn't miss a beat. She was a trooper! Right after the MRI, we made the trip to the 6th floor to the neurosuroens office. We were seen in just a few minuets. Dr. Hudgins came into the room like he had just seen ChloeJ. It is a good feeling when you don't have to remind your doctor who you are, even if at had been 4 years. He even warmed up to George, who in true George style, told him he had a headache. I guess I should just buy Dr. Hudgins a new home and be done with it.
The MRI was clear, perfect. He doesn't want to see us for 2 more years! That is great, that is how long it will take to pay him off, even with insurance. I also made sure to ask that since we made it past the 7 year mark, what our chances are. The tumor she had has a 70% chance of returning in the fist 7 years. The doctor told us slim, that means less the 70% and 70% is the world considering that the oncologist gave us a 100% chance of cancer, which it wasn't. I will walk by faith as I did before, and know that whatever happens is in God's hands. The chance of your child having a brain tumor is less then your shot at winning the lottery. Look for updates in 2 years.
Akron Children's was great! Big, Bright, Cheerful, and a friendly face to point you on your way. For some reason MRI is always in the basement (just a note). So we check in and wait. I love that
This is George's 4 MRI with his sister. Once in the belly, once just a few months old, once around 2 and now. It has gotten a lot easier for him. He had to look away when she got her IV, in fact the nurse asked if he was going to be ok, MEN!
ChloeJ didn't miss a beat. She was a trooper! Right after the MRI, we made the trip to the 6th floor to the neurosuroens office. We were seen in just a few minuets. Dr. Hudgins came into the room like he had just seen ChloeJ. It is a good feeling when you don't have to remind your doctor who you are, even if at had been 4 years. He even warmed up to George, who in true George style, told him he had a headache. I guess I should just buy Dr. Hudgins a new home and be done with it.
The MRI was clear, perfect. He doesn't want to see us for 2 more years! That is great, that is how long it will take to pay him off, even with insurance. I also made sure to ask that since we made it past the 7 year mark, what our chances are. The tumor she had has a 70% chance of returning in the fist 7 years. The doctor told us slim, that means less the 70% and 70% is the world considering that the oncologist gave us a 100% chance of cancer, which it wasn't. I will walk by faith as I did before, and know that whatever happens is in God's hands. The chance of your child having a brain tumor is less then your shot at winning the lottery. Look for updates in 2 years.
Monday, February 14, 2011
My Valentine.
When you have as many medical bills as we do, you learn to love when every one is healthy. ChloeJace will be back at another Children's hospital this week. Wednesday she goes to the pediatric neurosurgeon. She will have her regular MRI. This is done to ensure that the brain tumor is not coming back. We used to have to get this done every six months, then every year. It will be about a 2 hour drive to Akron, OH. We have the MRI at 9:15am. It takes about 30 -45 mins. of preparation, then an hour in the machine. Followed by another 45 mins. of recovery. After that we will see the doctor that will be around 1pm. You know how it is you never get in and out on schedule.
Then in 2 more weeks ChloeJace will be at The Cleveland Clinic. This is another children's hospital, this one is in Cleveland, OH, another 2-3 hours away. At The Cleveland Clinic she will see her pediatric electrophysiology. This is her heart doctor. We will get there and she will have an EKG done, then we will see the doctor. This one is a bit more easy, they just ask a lot of questions. Then we get our prescription for 6 more months of beta blockers, and if anything needs to be done, that means that ChloeJace will have to wear a monitor for a period of time then send it back. She has wore an event monitor 2 times and, this monitor is on for about a month. ChloeJace has also wore a holter monitor, this monitor is wore for 24 hours. I think she has wore this kind of monitor 4 times.
As you can imagine one condition is made a little hard to treat because of the other, then you throw in the allergies and asthma, and we have several long days a year. My favorite part, is that it is our time. The car rides and the waiting to be seen by the doctor gives us lots of time to be mommy and daughter. Everyday life is so busy, it gets harder to stop and just talk about nothing, or everything together. I can think of a million ways to spend a day or two with ChloeJace, and it doesn't include going to or from a hospital. You see, these are my Valentines days and if you were to ask ChloeJace she would say the same. If your Valentines day is February 14 or, or the Sunday afternoon when everything is calm and quite, enjoy it and embrace the time you have. It doesn't have to include gifts, or going out, it is what you make it.
Brian and I do not go out we do not exchange gifts on Valentines day, we know that our love can be celebrated any day. ChloeJace and I already have to special dates coming up, and for that I am thankful.
Then in 2 more weeks ChloeJace will be at The Cleveland Clinic. This is another children's hospital, this one is in Cleveland, OH, another 2-3 hours away. At The Cleveland Clinic she will see her pediatric electrophysiology. This is her heart doctor. We will get there and she will have an EKG done, then we will see the doctor. This one is a bit more easy, they just ask a lot of questions. Then we get our prescription for 6 more months of beta blockers, and if anything needs to be done, that means that ChloeJace will have to wear a monitor for a period of time then send it back. She has wore an event monitor 2 times and, this monitor is on for about a month. ChloeJace has also wore a holter monitor, this monitor is wore for 24 hours. I think she has wore this kind of monitor 4 times.
As you can imagine one condition is made a little hard to treat because of the other, then you throw in the allergies and asthma, and we have several long days a year. My favorite part, is that it is our time. The car rides and the waiting to be seen by the doctor gives us lots of time to be mommy and daughter. Everyday life is so busy, it gets harder to stop and just talk about nothing, or everything together. I can think of a million ways to spend a day or two with ChloeJace, and it doesn't include going to or from a hospital. You see, these are my Valentines days and if you were to ask ChloeJace she would say the same. If your Valentines day is February 14 or, or the Sunday afternoon when everything is calm and quite, enjoy it and embrace the time you have. It doesn't have to include gifts, or going out, it is what you make it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011
In a recent post I mentioned that when I was 11 I was drinking adult beverages. Well, that is not completely true. Some of my most early memories are of me drinking. You see my father would have parties and I would go around when no one was looking and I would take drinks. Or the kids would dance around the keg and take turns drinking. I don't ever remember being drunk or getting wasted. But then I again I was only around 4 or 5 and it is hard to remember everything.
I would get into trouble when I was caught. That didn't stop me. I also think there are a lot of others out there like me. Or I could be way off. By the time I was 11 it was easier for me. I had a brother and sister that were both older and they had older friends. Not that it was hard for my friends and I to get our own. You don't want to know how easy it was for young kids to get booze in a dry county, with a christian college. But it was!
Just keep in mind that my blogs are not a woohoo, or a list of things to do. I just recognize that I have done a lot of things wrong. I know there are more people out there like me, that are searching in faces and in places. But have not yet looked to Jesus. This might not be your story. Yours may be different. Just know that I am praying for you. I don't need to know your name, I know your pain. I will continue to pray for you.
I would get into trouble when I was caught. That didn't stop me. I also think there are a lot of others out there like me. Or I could be way off. By the time I was 11 it was easier for me. I had a brother and sister that were both older and they had older friends. Not that it was hard for my friends and I to get our own. You don't want to know how easy it was for young kids to get booze in a dry county, with a christian college. But it was!
Just keep in mind that my blogs are not a woohoo, or a list of things to do. I just recognize that I have done a lot of things wrong. I know there are more people out there like me, that are searching in faces and in places. But have not yet looked to Jesus. This might not be your story. Yours may be different. Just know that I am praying for you. I don't need to know your name, I know your pain. I will continue to pray for you.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Happy Heart Month
I am very excited, found out today that I have been accepted to start a new SCAA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest Assc.) chapter. I probably should be a little more nervous, I have never started a chapter of any kind, except for books. I do know I have a lot of work ahead of me. Just knowing that I can get information out, and AED's where need is awesome!! I signed and mailed the agreement today, so I still have a week or so before the work begins.
SCAA is a non-profit organization and the chapter will be a 501C-3. All donations are tax deductible, we also accept gift "in-kind". I will have help with the start up through SCAA. But I am more than happy to accept any donations or in-kind to help the chapter get going. For the name of the chapter I was thinking Heart of America, Ohio is kinda the heart of America. It plays a big part in the presidential races.
If you cannot donate, please pray for the chapter. There are people out there that are walking around with heart conditions that don't know it. I cannot tell you the loneliness I felt when we got our diagnosis finding other like ChloeJace is hard. That also makes finding mother going through it with their children. This isn't just a condition for young people older people can have it too. Pray that we reach the people that feel they are all alone in this diagnosis, that we are able to save lives.
SCAA is a non-profit organization and the chapter will be a 501C-3. All donations are tax deductible, we also accept gift "in-kind". I will have help with the start up through SCAA. But I am more than happy to accept any donations or in-kind to help the chapter get going. For the name of the chapter I was thinking Heart of America, Ohio is kinda the heart of America. It plays a big part in the presidential races.
If you cannot donate, please pray for the chapter. There are people out there that are walking around with heart conditions that don't know it. I cannot tell you the loneliness I felt when we got our diagnosis finding other like ChloeJace is hard. That also makes finding mother going through it with their children. This isn't just a condition for young people older people can have it too. Pray that we reach the people that feel they are all alone in this diagnosis, that we are able to save lives.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Show Love
This is the month of LOVE, and is heart month. I can't think of a better way to say I love you then to do something bigger than me. I think there are lots of people out there like me, well not just like me, if you read my blog you won't want to be anything like me. What I mean is that, I have lots of stuff and sure would like more stuff, but it is just stuff and does not make me full, it just keeps me wanting more meaning less junk.
Here are two different families that are doing something more. Something bigger than them self.
Joe and Brandi Cash, they are in the process of following God to Africa to adopt a child. Here is her blog, they are selling shirts, and coffee to help raise money. That is a lot of coffee and shirts. Oh did I mention they also had a yard sale. Yes, the sold their stuff. Will you help them bring a child home?
Also there is The Wills,
Bobby and Paula, these two have sold everything they had to their name. Followed God to Thailand. Can you imagine leaving everything you have ever known to follow God. Most of us won't leave our home town! The are living God's work.
1) Commit to pray for the Wills and for the mission God has called them to in Thailand.
2) Commit to give of your financial resources for the mission God had called the Wills to in Thailand. You can do this by going to the website for United World Mission at United World Mission and click on donate online.
3) You can host a dessert part for the Wills and help them tell more people about this mission to Thailand. The more people that hear, the more that join their team of prayer and financial supporters. This is a simple event to host, no hassles and a lot of fun.
4) You can let the Wills know of people you think would like to hear about this mission. The more we work together the larger the work force grows and we can reach the lost people of Thailand quicker. You can reach the Wills via email at: Paula and Bobby
5) You can tell your small group, Sunday school class, UMW group at church, your discipleship group or your children’s groups and homeschool groups about this mission God has called the Wills to and perhaps your group can adopt them as your missionary family. This is educational for everyone and gets all people involved in the Great Commission when we work together.
Here are two different families that are doing something more. Something bigger than them self.
Joe and Brandi Cash, they are in the process of following God to Africa to adopt a child. Here is her blog, they are selling shirts, and coffee to help raise money. That is a lot of coffee and shirts. Oh did I mention they also had a yard sale. Yes, the sold their stuff. Will you help them bring a child home?
Also there is The Wills,
Bobby and Paula, these two have sold everything they had to their name. Followed God to Thailand. Can you imagine leaving everything you have ever known to follow God. Most of us won't leave our home town! The are living God's work.
1) Commit to pray for the Wills and for the mission God has called them to in Thailand.
2) Commit to give of your financial resources for the mission God had called the Wills to in Thailand. You can do this by going to the website for United World Mission at United World Mission and click on donate online.
3) You can host a dessert part for the Wills and help them tell more people about this mission to Thailand. The more people that hear, the more that join their team of prayer and financial supporters. This is a simple event to host, no hassles and a lot of fun.
4) You can let the Wills know of people you think would like to hear about this mission. The more we work together the larger the work force grows and we can reach the lost people of Thailand quicker. You can reach the Wills via email at: Paula and Bobby
5) You can tell your small group, Sunday school class, UMW group at church, your discipleship group or your children’s groups and homeschool groups about this mission God has called the Wills to and perhaps your group can adopt them as your missionary family. This is educational for everyone and gets all people involved in the Great Commission when we work together.
Busy Week.
This past week has been a busy week. Last Monday I revived ChloeJace's AED (automated external defibrillator) in the mail. This has been an ongoing process since August of 2010. The day finally came and it was here. However I wasn't prepared for the emotions that came with it. I have used an AED before, so I am not a stranger to the machine. But the thought that this was for My child, someday it could save her life. I can't help but pray that this machine is a waste of money and time for everyone involved.
The day the AED came, was perfect timing. ChloeJace had her first quiz bowl, and her teacher is not yet CPR certified. George and I were able to go and support ChloeJace and carry around this machine, so that she was able to attend. She did wonderful. This is her third year being in quiz bowl, for most of the kids it is there first year, for others it is their second. The most wonderful thing is being able to see my child, getting to be a child. Long QT syndrome has taken away so much of her child hood.
Later this week we were able to go to Cincinnati Children's Hospital and participate in a sleep study for LQTS. We made the 2.5 hour drive to the hospital. That was another thing I thought I was prepared for but was not. One thing that ChloeJace has not has is a sleep study. The respiratory therapist began the hour long process of putting the electrodes on ChloeJace, and a 12 lead EKG, pulse ox, ect. What we were doing was to help others that have LQTS. Certain types are more prone to suffering sudden cardiac arrest in their sleep. When that happens you don't wake up. I could tell with all the wires on that ChloeJace was scared, I was scared. In her life she has been in the hospital so much! Although scary I was happy that even at the age of 11, she was doing something that could help save others. At her age I started drinking, so to see her do such a selfless thing was wonderful.
I know God has a perfect plan for her life, I can't wait to see where she is in 11 more years
The day the AED came, was perfect timing. ChloeJace had her first quiz bowl, and her teacher is not yet CPR certified. George and I were able to go and support ChloeJace and carry around this machine, so that she was able to attend. She did wonderful. This is her third year being in quiz bowl, for most of the kids it is there first year, for others it is their second. The most wonderful thing is being able to see my child, getting to be a child. Long QT syndrome has taken away so much of her child hood.
Later this week we were able to go to Cincinnati Children's Hospital and participate in a sleep study for LQTS. We made the 2.5 hour drive to the hospital. That was another thing I thought I was prepared for but was not. One thing that ChloeJace has not has is a sleep study. The respiratory therapist began the hour long process of putting the electrodes on ChloeJace, and a 12 lead EKG, pulse ox, ect. What we were doing was to help others that have LQTS. Certain types are more prone to suffering sudden cardiac arrest in their sleep. When that happens you don't wake up. I could tell with all the wires on that ChloeJace was scared, I was scared. In her life she has been in the hospital so much! Although scary I was happy that even at the age of 11, she was doing something that could help save others. At her age I started drinking, so to see her do such a selfless thing was wonderful.
I know God has a perfect plan for her life, I can't wait to see where she is in 11 more years

Sunday, January 30, 2011
First Rodeo
OK, so not a rodeo, more like a roller coaster. Let me just say that I like most people went into my first marriage with the best of intentions. I was a little misled. My goal after having ChloeJace, at 17 was to then make sure I found her the best father I could. ChloeJace's dad was not in her life. And not the kind of not in her life that, the father lives down the road and only comes to see the child when he wants. What I mean is not at all. He did come to see her once when she was just a few weeks old. He never even called! Not even once. So I had a job, a goal! To make my broken family into a real family. I will refer to my ex husband as (Mr.)
I met Mr. when I was pregnant with ChloeJace. He had asked me out a few times, but he asked out everyone, that and he was older then me and it kinda freaked me out. I had ChloeJace on Mr.'s birthday and Mr. helped me out by giving me a job washing dishes. One day Mr. asked me out again, and I said sure. My thought process at the time was that it would be practice, practice leaving my child. Mr. was reallygood GREAT with ChloeJace. Mr. was someone I could put up with, we worked together after all, and he had real love for my child. Even at that age I knew that you don't get that all the time. Dads all over don't care for their own children as much as Mr. cared for ChloeJace.
So we made plans for a wedding. I wasn't that much into it because growing up I wasn't one of those girls that dream about my wedding day. I wanted something private and simple, I thought a Disney Cruise would be perfect. Mr. thought that if we did something like that I would regret it. So we had a guest list of over 400 people. My list had 10 people on it. I think Rose from Titanic said it best when she said she felt as though she was in the middle of a room screaming and nobody could hear, the inertia of my life plunging forward and me powerless to stop it. I wasn't powerless though, I thought that was the sacrifice I must make for my child. After all I owed to my child my life. Mr. was not a bad or mean man, and I loved him...like I love my friends, or my pet goldfish. Little did I know that at that time (the day of our wedding) our bridal party was making bets on if either of us would actually go through with it and how long it would last.
Less than 3 months into it, it was over. He came home one night. A home we had just moved into that we were planning on buying, a home that he had gone out and bought all new furniture for. Some friends of ours didn't understand why I was not happy about him going out without my knowledge and coming back with all new furniture. Mr. came home one night grabbed a duffel bag filled it up and left. On his way out he told me he was leaving...leaving me...leaving the child that he loved so dear. He returned 3 days later with divorce papers without protest I signed them. My dress was not back from the cleaners yet! We still had gifts to go through.
He then closed the business where we worked, took or sold what he wanted and left. I could not pay the rent since I didn't have a job. I was left to pick up the pieces of what he broke. At the time we got married just weeks before, I was unaware that he was addicted to gambling and pornography. He made no attempt to stop or control rumors about what had happened. I didn't even know what had happened. He even feed into the rumors to keep the focus off himself. He didn't want to be outted for what he was. I also know that I am not the victim we married knowing we were not in love. That is my fault. The only good thing Mr. ever did was leave me. Without the presence of physical abuse I would have stayed forever!
Divorce seems to be everywhere. I hear all the time of people that were in love that are now in the process divorcing. I know God does not approve of divorce.
Mathew 5:33 Again, you have heard that if it was said the the people long ago, Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.
I am sharing this not to just tell my side of the story because I could go on for pages. I thought that I was doing the right thing. I thought that I was to sacrifice for my child. I allowed the guilt of not having a father for my child allow me to make a bad choice. Everyday we have choices. I did not seek wisdom, I did not turn to God an allow him to show me the way. When we make choices based on emotion we are just reacting. My prayer for my readers is that you don't allow guilt, fear,or your own agendas guide your decision making. Just because the intentions are good.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
I met Mr. when I was pregnant with ChloeJace. He had asked me out a few times, but he asked out everyone, that and he was older then me and it kinda freaked me out. I had ChloeJace on Mr.'s birthday and Mr. helped me out by giving me a job washing dishes. One day Mr. asked me out again, and I said sure. My thought process at the time was that it would be practice, practice leaving my child. Mr. was really
So we made plans for a wedding. I wasn't that much into it because growing up I wasn't one of those girls that dream about my wedding day. I wanted something private and simple, I thought a Disney Cruise would be perfect. Mr. thought that if we did something like that I would regret it. So we had a guest list of over 400 people. My list had 10 people on it. I think Rose from Titanic said it best when she said she felt as though she was in the middle of a room screaming and nobody could hear, the inertia of my life plunging forward and me powerless to stop it. I wasn't powerless though, I thought that was the sacrifice I must make for my child. After all I owed to my child my life. Mr. was not a bad or mean man, and I loved him...like I love my friends, or my pet goldfish. Little did I know that at that time (the day of our wedding) our bridal party was making bets on if either of us would actually go through with it and how long it would last.
Less than 3 months into it, it was over. He came home one night. A home we had just moved into that we were planning on buying, a home that he had gone out and bought all new furniture for. Some friends of ours didn't understand why I was not happy about him going out without my knowledge and coming back with all new furniture. Mr. came home one night grabbed a duffel bag filled it up and left. On his way out he told me he was leaving...leaving me...leaving the child that he loved so dear. He returned 3 days later with divorce papers without protest I signed them. My dress was not back from the cleaners yet! We still had gifts to go through.
He then closed the business where we worked, took or sold what he wanted and left. I could not pay the rent since I didn't have a job. I was left to pick up the pieces of what he broke. At the time we got married just weeks before, I was unaware that he was addicted to gambling and pornography. He made no attempt to stop or control rumors about what had happened. I didn't even know what had happened. He even feed into the rumors to keep the focus off himself. He didn't want to be outted for what he was. I also know that I am not the victim we married knowing we were not in love. That is my fault. The only good thing Mr. ever did was leave me. Without the presence of physical abuse I would have stayed forever!
Divorce seems to be everywhere. I hear all the time of people that were in love that are now in the process divorcing. I know God does not approve of divorce.
Mathew 5:33 Again, you have heard that if it was said the the people long ago, Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.
I am sharing this not to just tell my side of the story because I could go on for pages. I thought that I was doing the right thing. I thought that I was to sacrifice for my child. I allowed the guilt of not having a father for my child allow me to make a bad choice. Everyday we have choices. I did not seek wisdom, I did not turn to God an allow him to show me the way. When we make choices based on emotion we are just reacting. My prayer for my readers is that you don't allow guilt, fear,or your own agendas guide your decision making. Just because the intentions are good.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
If We Are the Body?
Recently I have been looking for a home church. I have been thinking of past churches and communities that we have been in. Each one being very different from the last, this would be the most different. It has made me think "what is church" what is community" "what is it to be the body of Christ"??? I don't know if this will go over well with my reader(s), but here is what I have come up with. Let me just say that most of this is a reflection inside of me things that I know I am guilty of.
When we say we are the body of Christ, it seems to me that we are under our own church roof. We set up and establish programs for the church ( which is good I am not knocking that at all). Programs like Youth Ministry, but we only reach out to the youth in our church. We also have a person set aside to go to the hospital and pray for people, most of the time only it is if someone from our church is in the hospital or someone from the church has asked us to see a friend or relative. I have been to the hospital to many times and know that there are always floors of people that are there not to mention they people that work there. Who is reaching out to them? I know there is a Chaplin but, if we are the body why aren't we moving, why are we putting it off on others. Why do we care if there is rejection from someone. Why are we not trying to reach out. We have all kinds of ministries but we only seem to reach out to those that reach to us first.
We say we are a community, but when was the last time that churches in a community came together to do something for the community. We all stick with just our home church, those people and those functions. Sure we invite people to go to church. But it is ussaly to our church. There are plenty of churches, does it really matter what church they go to? Isn't the goal not to grow our church but to grow the body of Christ? Yet I have never heard, nor have I asked someone what church they might want to go to. I stick with my comfort zone. After all what would people say if I was seen at the church across town!?
When we have someone that is not a "friend" yet we know them and talk to them. We don't talk to them about Christ because we don't know how they feel about it, we aren't that close to them so we just don't go there. Aren't these the people we need to be reaching out to?
What is it to be a christian and call ourselves the body of Christ if we only stick together, if we only do what we are comfortable with. Why are we not taking chances? Is our faith really that small that, we don't think God can use us outside of our church? When was the last time you saw a new face at church, did you talk to them did you interact with them? Have we ever dared to take someone to church other than our own?
If you read my blogs, you will know that I am a sinner, I have issues with vanity, I can be a failure, I mess up. One thing I don't want to do is turn people off to Christ because, I say I am part of the body of Christ, that I strive for a better community, but only when I feel comfortable doing so.
When we say we are the body of Christ, it seems to me that we are under our own church roof. We set up and establish programs for the church ( which is good I am not knocking that at all). Programs like Youth Ministry, but we only reach out to the youth in our church. We also have a person set aside to go to the hospital and pray for people, most of the time only it is if someone from our church is in the hospital or someone from the church has asked us to see a friend or relative. I have been to the hospital to many times and know that there are always floors of people that are there not to mention they people that work there. Who is reaching out to them? I know there is a Chaplin but, if we are the body why aren't we moving, why are we putting it off on others. Why do we care if there is rejection from someone. Why are we not trying to reach out. We have all kinds of ministries but we only seem to reach out to those that reach to us first.
We say we are a community, but when was the last time that churches in a community came together to do something for the community. We all stick with just our home church, those people and those functions. Sure we invite people to go to church. But it is ussaly to our church. There are plenty of churches, does it really matter what church they go to? Isn't the goal not to grow our church but to grow the body of Christ? Yet I have never heard, nor have I asked someone what church they might want to go to. I stick with my comfort zone. After all what would people say if I was seen at the church across town!?
When we have someone that is not a "friend" yet we know them and talk to them. We don't talk to them about Christ because we don't know how they feel about it, we aren't that close to them so we just don't go there. Aren't these the people we need to be reaching out to?
What is it to be a christian and call ourselves the body of Christ if we only stick together, if we only do what we are comfortable with. Why are we not taking chances? Is our faith really that small that, we don't think God can use us outside of our church? When was the last time you saw a new face at church, did you talk to them did you interact with them? Have we ever dared to take someone to church other than our own?
If you read my blogs, you will know that I am a sinner, I have issues with vanity, I can be a failure, I mess up. One thing I don't want to do is turn people off to Christ because, I say I am part of the body of Christ, that I strive for a better community, but only when I feel comfortable doing so.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
If I ignor it, it won't happen to me!
Looking at my FB wall you will see lots of posts about Sudden Cardiac Death. I had only heard of it once before it became real in my life. Since I has never heard of it, it most not be that bad. Besides nobody in my family had any condition similar to whatever sudden cardiac death, not to mention that is what happens to old people. Right?...Well not so much.
It was late fall of 2008, things were crazy, Brian had just had two strokes, I was working full time taking care of the kids and doing my best to be a support of wife. Out of nowhere I get a call ChloeJace's biological father had been exercising and his heart stopped. There was a quick response with CPR and an AED. He was shocked 4 times before they got a pulse. He was transported to the hospital and placed in surgery. At the age of 29 he had to have a pacemaker and defibrillator. I thought those were only for old people. I know that 70% or people that are resuscitated don't leave the hospital.
From this the doctors were able to tell that ChloeJace's dad had a genetic condition that was called Long QT Syndrome.
Definition from the Mayo Clinic:
It was late fall of 2008, things were crazy, Brian had just had two strokes, I was working full time taking care of the kids and doing my best to be a support of wife. Out of nowhere I get a call ChloeJace's biological father had been exercising and his heart stopped. There was a quick response with CPR and an AED. He was shocked 4 times before they got a pulse. He was transported to the hospital and placed in surgery. At the age of 29 he had to have a pacemaker and defibrillator. I thought those were only for old people. I know that 70% or people that are resuscitated don't leave the hospital.
From this the doctors were able to tell that ChloeJace's dad had a genetic condition that was called Long QT Syndrome.
Prolonged Q-T interval
Definition from the Mayo Clinic:
Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a heart rhythm disorder that can potentially cause fast, chaotic heartbeats. These rapid heartbeats may trigger a sudden fainting spell or seizure. In some cases, your heart may beat erratically for so long that it can cause sudden death.
You can be born with a genetic mutation that puts you at risk of long QT syndrome. In addition, certain medications and medical conditions may cause long QT syndrome.
Long QT syndrome is treatable. You may need to limit your physical activity, avoid medications known to cause prolonged Q-T intervals or take medications to prevent a chaotic heart rhythm. Some people with long QT syndrome need surgery or an implantable device.
ChloeJace was on several of the medications that can cause LQTS and she had a condition that could also cause it (from the brain tumor and surgery). Knowing that she could have it we went to our doctor that did some tests(no sign of LQTS) and sent us to a pediatric cardiologist. There they did more tests (she may be borderline). Oh, and when they say it is borderline, they should just say we don't know! So we were then sent to a pediatric electrophysiologist. To get a diagnosis we had to undergo genetic testing. You can't imagine how much it costs to take one vial of blood. Six to eight weeks later we got the results, yes she did have LQTS. That means no exercise, or competitive sports, no swimming, biking, running. No sudden startle or shock to the system. Let's not talk about how she should not have had surgery or been put under without clearance for a EP. That just shows that God has other plans for her. To think anytime she was out playing she could have collapsed and died. I won't go there with all the what if's and could haves'. We have been in the process of getting our own AED, for 6 months now. ChloeJace takes medication every night that she will be on for the rest of her life. The medicine does not mean that she won't ever have an incident. They wait until you have to use an AED to bring your loved one back before they will do surgery (insurance reasons).
Please don't over look the fact that it won't happen or that their is no history of it. We were told ChloeJace was borderline, and only the bank breaking test to confirm. Don't wait for someone to die, to do anything. YOU can become CPR certified and learn how to use an AED. YOU can demand life saving AED's to be placed at camp, schools, churches and other gathering places. The average EMS time vary. Within 4-6 mins. brain damage can occur, and the likely hood of getting a pulse diminishes greatly! What you don't know can hurt you. I know God's plan for ChloeJace is much greater. I also believe that God has given us an opportunity to help save lives.
Note: If ChloeJace's dad had died we would not know that she would need to be tested. After the electrical beat stops you cannot test, except genetic testing. It would have been another case of man dies of sudden cardiac arrest. I don't think that considering the cost of the genetic test that they would do that on a dead person. Next time you hear football player collapes and dies on field, you will know that the school did not have an AED close with people trained on how to use it. And you can assume that the child has some kind of condition that the family didn't know was in there genetics.
You can be born with a genetic mutation that puts you at risk of long QT syndrome. In addition, certain medications and medical conditions may cause long QT syndrome.
Long QT syndrome is treatable. You may need to limit your physical activity, avoid medications known to cause prolonged Q-T intervals or take medications to prevent a chaotic heart rhythm. Some people with long QT syndrome need surgery or an implantable device.
ChloeJace was on several of the medications that can cause LQTS and she had a condition that could also cause it (from the brain tumor and surgery). Knowing that she could have it we went to our doctor that did some tests(no sign of LQTS) and sent us to a pediatric cardiologist. There they did more tests (she may be borderline). Oh, and when they say it is borderline, they should just say we don't know! So we were then sent to a pediatric electrophysiologist. To get a diagnosis we had to undergo genetic testing. You can't imagine how much it costs to take one vial of blood. Six to eight weeks later we got the results, yes she did have LQTS. That means no exercise, or competitive sports, no swimming, biking, running. No sudden startle or shock to the system. Let's not talk about how she should not have had surgery or been put under without clearance for a EP. That just shows that God has other plans for her. To think anytime she was out playing she could have collapsed and died. I won't go there with all the what if's and could haves'. We have been in the process of getting our own AED, for 6 months now. ChloeJace takes medication every night that she will be on for the rest of her life. The medicine does not mean that she won't ever have an incident. They wait until you have to use an AED to bring your loved one back before they will do surgery (insurance reasons).
Please don't over look the fact that it won't happen or that their is no history of it. We were told ChloeJace was borderline, and only the bank breaking test to confirm. Don't wait for someone to die, to do anything. YOU can become CPR certified and learn how to use an AED. YOU can demand life saving AED's to be placed at camp, schools, churches and other gathering places. The average EMS time vary. Within 4-6 mins. brain damage can occur, and the likely hood of getting a pulse diminishes greatly! What you don't know can hurt you. I know God's plan for ChloeJace is much greater. I also believe that God has given us an opportunity to help save lives.
Note: If ChloeJace's dad had died we would not know that she would need to be tested. After the electrical beat stops you cannot test, except genetic testing. It would have been another case of man dies of sudden cardiac arrest. I don't think that considering the cost of the genetic test that they would do that on a dead person. Next time you hear football player collapes and dies on field, you will know that the school did not have an AED close with people trained on how to use it. And you can assume that the child has some kind of condition that the family didn't know was in there genetics.
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