No, I am not pregnant, I CAN'T have anymore kids. I have been struggling with writing about this. It's kinda embarrassing. My two pregnancies where very different. One would think that you would get depressed for being single, living in someones car while pregnant. Nope, not me! I was married just moved to a great city (Louisville). But not too long after moving to L'ville, something changed! Well, a
lot changed. But something inside changed. Before I was even due, I would lay in the floor and cry! I know can you imagine a big fat pregnant woman rolling in the floor crying? I even told my doctor about it. I guess it was the way I said it but he just laughed and reassured me the baby would be out before long.
He was right, he even moved up my due date by a week. So when I came home I thought everything (inside) would go back to normal and I would be happy-go-lucky as before. Not so much, in fact, not at all. I never wanted to harm my child or myself, I just wanted my life to go away. It didn't help that George had colic, and I didn't have a friend in a 2 state radius. So I felt stuck, in a life with this baby that cried 24/7. I remember driving around at night, leaving around 10pm and coming home around 6am, so that Brian could sleep. I was so ashamed that I didn't even talk to Brian about it. But I have told a few people how I packed George's bag and when Brian got home I was going to go drop him off at the nearest fire station. As funny as it is, it is very true. I don't think their is a Mom out there that wants to admit that they ever felt that way about A CHILD, but for it to be your child is worse. I thought that I was a monster! Who thinks like that, and actually packs their child's bag!
Somethings I can't explain and pre or post partum depression in one of those. Even after George got over the colic (18+ months). I had to deal with the depression state. He is now 4 and there is not a day that goes by that I am glad I didn't drop him off at the fire station!
I don't know having never been pregnate, but I think there is too much stress on how we should feel. I know having grow up in an alcoholic famiy, I was always trapped in how I should feel, rather than how I do feel. Today I try and live with how I do feel, to hell with how I should feels. Feeling down is as much a part of life as feeling up. We can't have one without the other. Most of the time I don't feel like I should, but that's another story. I like not feeling like I should and love feeling like I do. Even if others don't like it.