Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Praise Report!

Last week, ChloeJace, George and I went 2.5 hours away to go to the Neurosurgeon (Dr. Roger Hudgins previously of Children's Health care of Atlanta.  We were up early, before the chickens early. We had to be there by 9am that was then pushed back to 10am and at 10am they where running behind. (see early blog, I knew it!)
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Akron Children's was great! Big, Bright, Cheerful, and a friendly face to point you on your way. For some reason MRI is always in the basement (just a note). So we check in and wait. I love that we ChloeJace had an advocate there to walk her through the process, although I think she could take the woman's job it is great to have a Go-to person. This is a different feeling then the nurse that wrights her name on the board, and you have to press a button and wait for someone to say " Your nurse will be down soon."

This is George's 4 MRI with his sister. Once in the belly, once just a few months old, once around 2 and now. It has gotten a lot easier for him. He had to look away when she got her IV, in fact the nurse asked if he was going to be ok, MEN!

ChloeJ didn't miss a beat. She was a trooper! Right after the MRI, we made the trip to the 6th floor to the neurosuroens office. We were seen in just a few minuets. Dr. Hudgins came into the room like he had just seen ChloeJ. It is a good feeling when you don't have to remind your doctor who you are, even if at had been 4 years. He even warmed up to George, who in true George style, told him he had a headache. I guess I should just buy Dr. Hudgins a new home and be done with it.

The MRI was clear, perfect. He doesn't want to see us for 2 more years! That is great, that is how long it will take to pay him off, even with insurance. I also made sure to ask that since we made it past the 7 year mark, what our chances are. The tumor she had has a 70% chance of returning in the fist 7 years. The doctor told us slim, that means less the 70% and 70% is the world considering that the oncologist gave us a 100% chance of cancer, which it wasn't. I will walk by faith as I did before, and know that whatever happens is in God's hands. The chance of your child having a brain tumor is less then your shot at winning the lottery.  Look for updates in 2 years.

Blessings!Go to fullsize image


  1. Great News! I know the feeling of anticipation when it comes to your child. Doesn't matter whether they are 2 or 20. Good job, mommy!

  2. This is awesome news and a wonderful relief!
