Monday, April 11, 2011


Pretty simple Right?.  We are all familiar with needing forgiveness and giving it too.  But do we really?  I mean.. ok so we ask God for forgiveness daily..right?...or we should...  Then I hear people say well God knows my heart, I don't have to ask he already knows, he knew before I did it that I would need forgiveness.  Besides, God is very busy so why bother him with stuff he already knows.
I know I sometimes will ask someone to forgive me, years after I should have.  Or we let it go unsaid and just pretend nothing ever happened.  As long as nobody is talking about it, I will just move past it.  I don't like those hard conversations either.
We tend to let this part of God's word just to hang out till we want to deal with asking for forgiveness.  Just this week I was at the gym, watching T.V., and on was the story of the man that shot the Amish children in their school.  I know that is old news, but I didn't watch it then because it made me sad to think about.  As I watch this story unfold, I feel the tears coming up and I am trying my best not to break out in uncontrollable sobs.  If you know the story, several of the girls that where shot died, 5 of them!! 5 families lost a child that day!!  The gunman then killed himself. This community then, just a few days, less then a week after this happened they went to the wife of the man that murdered their children and injured more and they FORGAVE that woman for what her husband had done.
Ok, so look at your child, now think about someone killing your child, and you taking the red eye to forgive the family! SAY WHAAAT!!!
It is hard to think of, I have a hard time wrapping my brain around that kind of forgiveness. But, that is how we should do it!  If how we forgive others is how we are forgiven then, I want to look like those Amish families!  Not, like the ohhh well, I am just not ready to forgive yet, let me bring it up a half dozen more times so you can feel like crap about it again, and again,and again.
How do you forgive?

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