Saturday, April 2, 2011

High school/without the musical!

Recently there have been so high school type antics going on!  I found myself in a position that I didn't want to be in.  I want the best for everyone, and I want the whole world to be rainbows and unicorns.  I do know that is just not the way it is.  I also found out that some of my blood relatives think... well, I will just say not too highly of me.  In fact, down right, badly.  That hurt!  And these things seemed to join when,  like I said high school junk!  Guess what your family member said!  I won't go into detail but I have not spoken with either party in about a year.

While all this junk was going on ChloeJace turned to me and said something like "Mom their are starving kids, I am going to collect cans for them."  I was floored, it took me back to reality.  Everyone won't like me, even some that are supposed to love me.  I will not always do the right thing.  But I have to keep a bigger than me prospective.  When I get into my own little problems, and my own little life, I forget about how greatly I am blessed.

God, thank you for using the wisdom of a child to bring me back down.  Thank you for showing me, my hurt feelings are nothing compared to the suffering in this world.  There is a big world outside of high school.  Thank you for giving me a child that has such wisdom and a caring heart that she would at her young age be concerned about things bigger than her.  Lord, make me more like my child, and less childish to get pulled into things that are not of you.

1 comment:

  1. Jenn, You are a better person for having the experience of not being liked by everyone. It has made you who you are. I see a beautiful, caring,and gentle woman and mother. Your writings seem so innocent and God loves that. Keep on looking at yourself as the "woman in the mirror" and like her.
