About 6 weeks ago, I got a call saying we might have to move! Well we are here so you know how it ended. But let me just say that when we first heard that it could happen fear and panic came over me. Just the whole fear of not knowing what to expect. The first thing I did was call my Mom and we prayed. After that point I had peace. God has given me times of great peace before so I know the feeling. That day I began packing! We have moved with Ford before, last time I was pregnant and on bed rest so already this move would be easier. Just because I had peace doesn't mean that their were no bumps along the way. We were given a week to move. So right away I was on the hunt for a home, school.
That week went by fast. ChloeJace was still in school, and it was the week of Thanksgiving. George and I had to go up with Brain so we could find a home while ChloeJace stayed at a friends and went to school. George and I were doing well, we would get up around 7am and look at homes. Well the dog started getting car sick, gross! I was doing alot of driving and turning around being in a new area it was tough to find our way. Then the weather started to change it was getting, cold, ummmm it snowed. I had not packed accordingly. Then Brain let the dog out of the hotel by accident. So she was gone, we had no place to live it was cold oh and then Brian started getting sick! Well we had to find a place to live because we had to move right after Thanksgiving. Well God is always in control and the last day, the last house we looked at was the ONE. So we went home Thanksgiving day, without our dog but we had a home!! Brian was sick the whole time, ChloeJace was with a friend doing Thanksgiving. Oh, did I mention that it rained the whole way home.
So George and I want to Waffle House for Thanksgiving dinner. And everything that can go wrong during our move did. I went to pick up our truck, they didn't have it, or the car cart. We had to drive across Louisville to pick up a truck! While the piano movers were waiting at our home (they charge by the hour). I also didn't realize how different this move would be since Brian had his two strokes. We were to tired to leave that night, and it was pouring rain. The next day it rained the whole trip up. When we got here it was cold and started snowing, moving down an icy ramp is not fun. But we had to get everything off the truck, it had to be returned the next day.
ChloeJace went for her first day I school, would had gone in the previous day and toured and filled out all the paper work. But shortly after I dropped her off I got a call saying I need to come pick her up. Because of her heart condition they could not allow her to be at school. We set up a conference to get things ironed out on what she needed to be safe at school. She only got 2 days in before Christmas break.
Well, everything turned out! We have been here we had a great Christmas, we went to Michigan and then back to Louisville, to get my car that had been sitting in a parking lot for a month. Now we are gearing up for birthdays, 2 in January.
So, everything turned out just not in my time. God already had the plans in place. From finding a place to live, on the last day, to getting ChloeJace into a school that will accept her condition and not make her an outcast. God answered all the prayers, in just the right time. Thank you God for your timing and not mine. Thank you for your perfect answers to my prayers.
Jenn, love how you face new circumstances by first praying, and then trusting in His timing, even when stuff looks confusing and chaotic. This is a good story to depict a typical scene in any typical family in 2011. Life presents the unexpected, and it is to Whom we look and how we respond to stressful times that can determine the outcome.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your "6 weeks" :-)